“Kardia” is a Greek word which can translate as both “heart” and “mind” in the New Testament.

“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight…” 
—Philippians 1:9

Why Kardia?

The first time we ever discussed the possibility of Kardia was when one of us woke up in the middle of the night with these words in mind—“Kardia: reconciling hearts and minds to God, with others, and in the self.”

As we prayed about and processed this experience, we concluded that God was challenging us to broaden and deepen our understanding of apologetics—specifically, to remain committed to an approach to evangelism that helps people reconcile to God (which has been our focus for the last two decades), but to do so within a more holistic ministry of reconciliation that keeps in view all three dimensions of reconciliation: to God (vertical), with others (horizontal), and in the self (internal).

In a culture increasingly characterized by division, disconnection, and disillusionment, we personally have experienced this framework of reconciliation to be a profound and transformative biblical lens through which to conceive of apologetics and evangelism. Though this is an ongoing journey of continued learning in our own lives, we invite you to join us as we trust God for a reconciled life.

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